Modeling Capability 02 Data Capture, Diagramming, & Model Development

Modeling Capability 02 Data Capture, Diagramming, & Model Development


Casewise Modeler, like any repository-based modeling tool, is actually a database. You get the best out of the tool if it used as such, i.e. not just as a drawing tool. Therefore, if you think of each "object" in the model (things like Organisations, Activities, Applications) as a "database record", then you need to decide what information (or attributes) you want to keep about these things. Perhaps more importantly, consider:

- How this data will be sourced, validated, and loaded into the model

- Who will own and approve it (governance issues)

- Who (and how) will it be kept "clean" (data management)
- How will it be integrated to make useful reports - and for what purpose?
Then, we can consider how to visualize and present this data and diagrams or "Views". As you draw a diagram, you are not just drawing a picture, but creating "objects", that is: records in the underlying database, which can be re-used across multiple diagrams. Therefore, when diagramming, you must also still consider the data management issues referred to above.
There are three elements to effective diagramming:

- Using the Casewise tool effectively (and correctly)

- Adopting and, if necessary, adapting known methodological notations

- Drawing a diagram in such a way that it is usable, i.e. has high communication value

Some diagrams, known as "Object Visualization Diagrams" can be automatically generated using Evolve, the Diagram Designer, and Auto Modeler. It is still important to keep the three principles above in mind when using this option.
Finally, remember that your model, and the diagrams that provide a kind of concrete structure to the model, is likely to be hierarchically structured. In other words, objects on a diagram can be exploded into more detailed "child" diagrams.

Capabilities (parent)

Activities (that helps realize this Capability)

See a more detailed diagram (exploded view)